One of the questions we get the most regularly here at our shop is regarding our “Brown County Mouth Bows”! The mouth bow is a simple, single-string instrument of African origin that has been found all over the world. With evidence dating back as far as the Stone Age, this simple instrument is thought to be one of the oldest in the world. There’s not many places you can purchase a Mouth Bow, but we’ve got ‘em!
ON THE LEFT: One of our “Brown County Mouth Bows”, made by local Nashville, Indiana builder John Dorn
ON THE RIGHT: Photograph from the early 1900’s of Appalachian Mouth Bow player, Alex Stewart. Alex Stewart was a pioneer and master of many Appalachian trades and crafts, including building and playing the Appalachian Mouth Bow. Find out more about Alex Stewart at the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, TN.
Below, you will see a video of an excellent Brown County made Mouth Bow in action! Local folklorist and Director of Traditional Arts Indiana’s Jon Kay is the son-in-law of our Mouth Bow builder, John Dorn, and one of the best Mouth Bow Players in the country! Using your mouth as the soundbox, you create music with the Mouth Bow by making changes to the shape of your mouth, lips, and gums which produces different variations in sounds, overtones, and harmonics.
Our Brown County Mouth Bows consist of a flexible piece of Poplar, Cherry, or various other woods, and are strung with a standard guitar string of various gauges. Mouth Bows range in price from $29.95 and up. Thought to be one of the oldest instruments in the world, and found in nearly every culture across the globe, the Mouth Bow is easy to learn and makes a great addition to your musical collection.
Contact us at Weed Patch Music Company to purchase your very own Mouth Bow today!
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